Mean Green (per movie: Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead)

If you are looking for support in becoming a healthier eater, the video I just mentioned in the title of this post is a MUST. It is so encouraging and really helped me in my journey with detoxifying and boosting with veggies. It's on Netflix but you can simply watch it online from the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead website. Combined with "Food Matters" you'll be fairly well equipped to start your own journey toward healthy living. 

Here is the basic recipe they used in the movie:

Note: It is really important to wash  you produce well and to use organic produce when juicing.

Mean Green Ingredients:
1 cucumber
4 stalks celery
2-3 golden delicious or other sweet apples
6-8 Kale leaves
1/2 lemon
1 T fresh ginger

Wash and cut veggies according to your juicer requirements.